TweedleWink Video Lessons
Term Four
This Video Lesson option is suitable for younger children ages from 1 to 4 years old. Each lesson is 30-35 minutes long, including a video lesson conducted by our TweedleWink teacher, and an accompanying downloadable coloring sheet.
Our Video Lessons contain a wealth of input to build rich neural networks during these precious years to form the foundation for future learning!
- Character-Building: Positive Affirmations
- Vision: Eye Exercises
- Reading: Phonics; Sound Box; Whole Words: Word Building: Riddles
- Science
- World Cultures
- Vocabulary
- Math
- Music: Musical Notation, Perfect Pitch, and Rhythm
- Art
Your Instructor
Pamela is the creator of the TweedleWink and Wink: Right Brain Education programs. Known fondly as “the mother of right brain education,” she has been happily sharing her unique form of Montessori-inspired right brain education with teachers and parents for almost 30 years.
Pamela believes that heart-based playful learning is vital not only for right brain development, but for lifelong health and happiness as well. When embraced, right brain thinking becomes a way of living, not just learning. Pamela has used these methods with children with dyslexia, dyspraxia, speech delays, ADD, ADHD, CP, DS, and various forms of autism. She has also successfully blended right-brain techniques with homeschool curricula and gifted learning programs.
Pamela has written numerous books and learning curricula, including:
- Right Brain Education: Changing the World One Heart at a Time
- TweedleWink Gentle Early Right Brain Enrichment Program: Prenatal to Preschool
- Right Brain Activation: A Right Brain Tune-Up For Adults
- Wink: Right Brain Education teacher training manual (available through our online training programs)
- Wink: Children's Storybook Lessons (series)
- Sam the Elf Phonics Readers (series)
- Soul Bonding for Pregnancy (out of print)
- Soul Bonding with Newborns and Infants (out of print)
- Right Brain Music Play
- TweedleWink Phonics Workbooks (series)
- TweedleWink Math Workbook (series)
- TweedleWink Letter Tracing Pencil Play (series)
- The Number People: A Right Brain Multiplication Story
- TweedleWink Art Coloring Book
- TweedleWink Science Coloring Book
- TweedleWink World Coloring Book
- Smiley and Sara Bedtime Stories (Right Brain Great Me/Little Me Character-Building series)
Her most recent publications— The Gnome King, Poseidon's Daughter and The Prince of Air— are the first books in her Elemental Kingdom children’s book series. (We are currently using them in our Wink classes for speed reading play.)
Pamela is a mother of four and a grandmother, and currently lives in rural North Carolina with her husband and family.